Anqi CMS template production
Some basic agreements for template making
AnqiCMS templates use .html as the template file suffix and are stored in the /template template folder. The static resources such as styles, js scripts, pictures used by the template are stored separately in the /public/static/ directory. Template files are marked with tags similar to Django template engine, while variables are defined using double braces, such as {{variable}}. condition -
Table of contents and templates for template making
The root directory of the AnqiCMS template is /template. For each set of templates, you need to create your own template directory under /template, and add a config.json configuration file to the template directory to explain some information about the template. The content format of the config.json file is: { "name": "default template", "package": "d -
Tags and usage methods of templates
Template files are marked with labels similar to Django template engine, while variables are defined using double braces, such as {{variable}}. Tags such as conditional judgment, loop control, etc. are defined using single curly braces and percent signs, and need to be ended with an end tag. The tags appear in pairs, such as {% if archive.Id == 10 %} This is a document with a document ID of 10 {% endif %}. In the system