Help for global function setting

Global function sets the default setting items. If you feel that the default setting items cannot meet the needs, you can also customize the new setting items.


The default settings can be set:

  • Website name The website name will be attached to the web page title as the website title suffix. Generally, the website brand name is filled in, for example, setting it to: Anqi CMS.
  • Website address Website address refers to the address the user accesses. If you fill in the domain name, you need to resolve the domain name to the server before filling in it. It must be set correctly, otherwise the page will not be opened, because the page visited by the front desk user will display and load website resources based on this URL.
  • A mobile address refers to the URL accessed by the mobile terminal. Generally, there is no need to set it up. Only when the template used by the website is the template mode of computer + mobile phone, you need to fill in the mobile address. Similarly, before filling in, please parse the domain name to the server, otherwise it will also cause the mobile terminal to be unable to access normally.
  • Website LOGO can upload your website LOGO icon here for template calls and display on web pages.
  • Registration Number If your website has a registered file, you can fill in your website registration number here. There is no need to fill in the suffix of -1. You can call the template to generate the registration number link information.
  • Copyright information is generally used for calling information of templates in the web footer.
  • The default language package currently has two languages ​​built-in Chinese and English. After setting up the language package, some built-in display information will be used to access it according to the selected language site. Note that this will only modify the built-in text, and the articles and documents on the template. Classification and other content text will not change due to the language package set here.
  • Backend domain name address You can set independent domain name address for the backend to enhance security. For example: Note: Before setting, you must first resolve the domain name and bind the domain name, otherwise the background will be unable to access.
  • The website status can set whether your website users can access the content. When you choose to be closed, the user will only see the closed site prompt message.
  • Closed site prompt is used to display information that the website displays to users when it is closed.

Customize the settings parameters

When the built-in parameters cannot meet your template calling needs, you can add some parameters you need to call by custom parameter settings. For example, in the example, we added the help pageHelpUrlThis custom parameter can be passed when the template is calledHelpUrlTo call the link address of the help page.

There are some things to note here:

  • The parameter name refers to the name for the template to call. The letters will be automatically converted to camel naming, that is, the first letter of each word is capitalized and there are no spaces in the middle. The parameter name can also be set to Chinese, but it is recommended to set to English.
  • Parameter value The parameter value is the content displayed after the template call parameter name.
  • Notes Notes will not be called by templates, but are only used to allow you to better identify the purpose of this custom parameter for subsequent viewing and changes.