Here are the problems that users often encounter when using AnqiCMS. You can find some solutions to the problems here.
How to install and use multiple AnqiCMS on the same server?
Each AnqiCMS needs to occupy one port, the default port is 8001. If you want to install multiple AnqiCMS on the same server, you need to assign a different port to each project, write the port in config.json, and edit config.json to define different ports.
After setting up the background domain name, you cannot log in to the background. What should I do?
The reasons are:
1. You may not have resolved the background domain name to this server, please resolve the domain name to this server.
2. You may not have added this domain name in the Baota site. Please add this domain name to the Baota site.
3. If you just fill in a domain name at will and need to delete it, then you need to manually modify the config.json file in the root directory of the site, find admin_url, clear its value, save the file, and then go to the Baota background to restart the software.