Content model usage help

The content model determines the document function of the entire site.

The system is built-in by default文章模型and产品模型These 2 models.


The built-in content model of the system can be modified, but cannot be deleted. New custom models can be modified and deleted.

It should be noted that when you want to delete a model, you must think carefully. After deleting the model, all documents and categories under the model will also be deleted.

The content fields that can be modified by the content model are:


  • Model name
  • The model name will be used as the Chinese name for identifying the model and will also be displayed as the model-level display name in the breadcrumb navigation.
  • Model table name
  • The model table name is a table in which the content of the model custom field is stored in the database. The table name must be in lowercase English. If other content is filled in, it may cause the content to not be displayed correctly.
  • URL alias
  • Only support English lowercase letters, {module} calls defined by pseudostatic rules. Will be displayed on the url. Please use lowercase letters in English
  • Title name
  • It is used to display the document title prompt location when publishing a document. For example, if you create a product model, you can fill in the title name as the product name, and when publishing a document, the product name will be displayed as the title prompt.
  • Content Model Custom Fields
  • Here you can set fields for the content model that are only available to that model.
  • The contents that can be set by the added field form are:
  • Parameter name
  • The parameter name is the Chinese name provided for display, such as the article author, the article source and other text.
  • Call fields
  • The call field is the field name that will be written to the database table. Please use English letters as the call field. Such as author
  • Field Type
  • The fields supported for setting here are:
  • Single-line text
  • You can enter a line of text, no more than 250 words
  • number
  • Only enter numbers
  • Multiple lines of text
  • Multiple lines of text can be entered
  • Single choice
  • Multiple selections can be set, but only one of them is allowed. The selections are set by the default values ​​below.
  • Multiple choices
  • Multiple options can be set or multiple options can be selected. The selections are set by the default values ​​below.
  • Pull down to select
  • Multiple selections can be set, but only one of them is allowed. The selections are set by the default values ​​below.
  • Is it required
  • You can specify whether this field must be filled in. If it is required, it will verify whether this field is included in the submitted data.
  • default value
  • When this field needs to default to a certain value, you can fill in the default value here. But be aware that when selecting three modes: single selection, multiple selection, and pull-down, the default value is their option value. For multiple values ​​of single-choice, multiple-choice, and pull-down, please enter one line in the default value to represent it. The system will automatically analyze it according to one option in one behavior.