The image resource management help function page contains all the pictures uploaded by the website and video resources. Here you can easily manage your website’s pictures and video resources.
You can classify image resources by different categories, and classify and manage them on the management interface to add the categories you need.
In image resource management, you can batch select pictures, delete pictures, and batch transfer pictures to specified categories.
Click on the picture to go to the details interface of the picture resource. On the details interface, you can view the original large picture of the picture, and you can also view other information about the picture, such as: file name, file type, upload time, file size, picture resolution, picture address, etc.
In addition to basic information, you can also perform image replacement operations, image deletion operations, etc. on the image resource details interface.
When replacing the image, the URL address of the image remains unchanged and the image size becomes the size of the new image.
To avoid the page being affected by large images, when the picture is too large, it will automatically reduce the image size of the compressed image in the content settings in the same proportion.
After the picture is uploaded, if the background is updated but the front desk is not updated, please clean the local browser cache.