Document classification help

Document classification management can manage the classification of different content models. Each category belongs to only one content model.

Through classification management, you can quickly view the document list of the current classification, add lower-level classification to the current classification, edit and modify the classification content, and other operations.

When a classification is created, its content model is fixed and it cannot change the content model.

In the form of document classification addition and editing, the content you can enter is:


  • Document model
  • Once the document model is selected, it cannot be changed. Document model is only available when adding top-level categories.
  • Advanced classification
  • Only when adding subclasses, you can choose the superior classification. Please select the same model as the upper class.
  • Category Name
  • The category name is the front-end display name of the category.
  • Category Introduction
  • The classification introduction is an introduction to the classification, and it is also the call content of the description tag in the tdk tag.
  • Other parameters
  • Other parameters contain some content fields that are not commonly used and are not necessary to be set. You can set these fields according to actual needs.
  • Display order
  • The display order can determine the sort of this category. The smaller the number, the higher the display. When created by default, the default value is 99.
  • SEO title
  • SEO titles are used to display the title content to search engines. Note: If you want the content of the title tag of the page to be not the category name, you can set it through the SEO title.
  • Keywords
  • Classified keywords can be entered manually. Please use English to distinguish between multiple keywords, because this is more in line with the habit of search engines. You can also not set it.
  • Custom URL
  • Custom URLs are called to pseudo-static rules that enable naming mode. The custom URL will only take effect when the website pseudo-static rules use the naming mode of the fields {filename} and {catname}. The default custom URL will be automatically generated based on the pinyin according to the classification name you entered. If you are not satisfied with the automatic generation, you can set up custom content by manually typing. It should be noted that custom URLs must be guaranteed to be unique, if not unique, the system will add a random number afterward to make it guaranteed to be unique.
  • Category Template
  • You can set a custom template for the classification. The default template is {Classification Model}/list.html. You can set the template name of other names according to actual needs. Note that you must ensure that the template exists in your template design package, otherwise this category will not be opened. If you create a download.html template to display this category, then fill in download.html here.
  • Whether it is applied to subcategory
  • The default classification template is not inherited to the lower-level classification. You can set it to inherit. This way, all subcategories under this category will use the custom templates you set.
  • Document templates
  • When you need to use a custom template for all documents under this category, you can fill in the template name you need to use here. Note that you must ensure that the template exists in your template design package, otherwise all documents under this category will not be opened. If you create a detail.html template to display the document details under this category, then fill in detail.html here.
  • Banner Picture
  • Some categories may need to show some banner carousel pictures, which you can set here. You can upload multiple images. Please use pictures of the same size when uploading.
  • Thumbnail
  • Classified thumbnails are not necessary. They need to be uploaded only when you need to call classified thumbnails on the foreground page.
  • Classified content
  • Classified content is not necessary. You only need to fill in it when you need to call the classified content on the front desk page. The classified content editor has rich functions and supports various text operations.