User Details Tags

Description: Used to obtain user details data

How to use:{% userDetail 变量名称 with name="字段名称" id="1" %}The variable name is not necessary. After setting the variable name, you can call it through the variable name in the future. Without setting the variable name, the result will be output directly.

The parameters supported by userDetail are:

  • User IDid.
    idNecessary, used to specify which user ID to get the details.

The fields available for the name parameter are:

  • User IDId
  • Superior User IdParentId
  • usernameUserName
  • Real nameRealName
  • User profile pictureAvatarURL
  • User EmailEmail
  • User mobile numberPhone
  • User group IDGroupId
  • Is it a distribution staff or notIsRetailer
  • Account balanceBalance
  • Cumulative incomeTotalReward
  • Invitation codeInviteCode
  • Last login timeLastLoginTime stamp, need to use formatted timestamps as date format{% userDetail lastLogin with name="LastLogin" id="1" %}{{stampToDate(lastLogin, "2006-01-02")}}
  • VIP expiration timeExpireTimeTime stamp, need to use formatted timestamps as date format{% userDetail expireTime with name="ExpireTime" id="1" %}{{stampToDate(expireTime, "2006-01-02")}}
  • User LinksLink

User IDId

Tag usage:{% userDetail with name="Id" %}

{# Default usage, automatically get the current current page user ID #}
<div>UserID: {% userDetail with name="Id" %}</div>
{# Get the specified user ID #}
<div>UserID: {% userDetail with name="Id" id="1" %}</div>
{# Custom field name #}
<div>UserID: {% userDetail getId with name="Id" %}{{getId}}</div>
<div>UserID: {% userDetail getId with name="Id" id="1" %}{{getId}}</div>


Tag usage:{% userDetail with name="UserName" %}

{# Default usage, automatically get the current current page user ID #}
<div>Username: {% userDetail with name="UserName" %}</div>
{# Get the Tag field of the specified Tagid #}
<div>Username: {% userDetail with name="TiUserNametle" id="1" %}</div>
{# Custom field name #}
<div>Username: {% userDetail userName with name="UserName" %}{{userName}}</div>
<div>Username: {% userDetail userName with name="UserName" id="1" %}{{userName}}</div>

User LinksLink

Tag usage:{% userDetail with name="Link" %}

{# Default usage, automatically obtain the current current page user ID #}
<div>User link: {% userDetail with name="Link" %}</div>
{# Get the Tag field of the specified Tagid #}
<div>User link: {% userDetail with name="Link" id="1" %}</div>
{# Custom field name #}
<div>User link: {% userDetail userLink with name="Link" %}{{userLink}}</div>
<div>User link: {% userDetail userLink with name="Link" id="1" %}{{userLink}}</div>