How to cut strings of a specific format into arrays in Anqi CMS templates according to the specified delimiter?
Filters can cut strings of specific formats into arrays by specified delimiters. If the delimiter does not exist in the string, an array of length 1 is returned, and the value of the array is the string itself. If the delimiter is empty, it will be split into an array by each utf8 character.
Can also be usedmake_list
To quickly cut strings into arrays.make_list
Each character will be split into an array with a value, a letter is one, and a Chinese character is one.
How to use
How to use filters:
{{ obj|split:"split character" }}
How to use filters:
{{ obj|make_list }}
For example, it is necessary tosplits, the, string, 安企CMS
according to,
Cut into an array, you can write this:
{{ "splits, the, string, Anqi CMS"|split:", "|stringformat:"%#v" }} # Show results []string{"splits", "the", "string", "Anqi CMS"}
Filters also support use in assignment labels (sets), storing the judgment results into a variable, such as:
{% set values = "splits, the, string, Anqi CMS"|split:", " %} {% for item in values %} ><span>{{item}}/</span> {% endfor %} # Show results splits/ the/ string/ Anqi CMS/
Sample Demo
{{ "splits, the, string, Anqi CMS"|split:", " }} {{values|stringformat:"%#v"}} # Show results []string{"splits", "the", "string", "Anqi CMS"}
{{ "Hello, 99, 3.140000, good"|split:", "|join:", " }} # Show results Hello, 99, 3.140000, good
{{ "john doe"|make_list|join:", " }} {% for char in "john doe"|make_list %}{{ char }}{% endfor %} # Show results j, o, h, n, , d, o, e john doe