How to intercept and add strings or html code in Anqi CMS template...?
Filters can truncate and add..., which truncates words, specifying the length including...
The filter can intercept and add the html code..., which truncates the word, specifying the length including...
Filters can intercept strings by word and add...
Filters can intercept and add html code by word...
How to use
How to use filters:
{{ obj|urlencode:number }}
How to use filters:
{{ obj|truncatechars_html:number }}
How to use filters:
{{ obj|truncatewords:number }}
How to use filters:
{{ obj|truncatewords_html:number }}
For example, it is necessary toJoel is a slug
To intercept 9 characters, use the extra part... instead, you can write it like this:
{{ "Joel is a slug"|truncatechars:9 }} # Show results Joel i...
Sample Demo
{{ "Joel is a slug"|truncatechars:9 }} {{ "Joel is a slug"|truncatechars:13 }} {{ "Joel is a slug"|truncatechars:14 }} {{ "Hello world"|truncatechars:1 }} {{ "Hello world"|truncatechars:2 }} # Show results Joel is a ... Joel is a slug Hello Hello
{% filter truncatewords:9 %}{% lorem 25 w %}{% endfilter %} {% filter wordcount %}{% filter truncatewords:9 %}{% lorem 25 w %}{% endfilter %}{% endfilter %} {{ "Hello World"|truncatewords:0 }} {{ "Hello World"|truncatewords:1 }} {{ "Hello World"|truncatewords:2 }} # Show results Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed ... 10 Hello world Hello world
{{ "This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars."|truncatechars_html:25 }} {{ "<div class=\"foo\"><ul class=\"foo\"><li class=\"foo\"><p class=\"foo\">This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p></li></ul></div>"|truncatechars_html:25 }} {{ "<p class='test' id='foo'>This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p>"|truncatechars_html:25 }} {{ "<a name='link'><p>This </a>is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p>"|truncatechars_html:25 }} {{ "<p>This </a>is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p>"|truncatechars_html:25 }} {{ "<p>This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p>"|truncatechars_html:7 }} # 显示结果 This is a long test wh... <div class="foo"><ul class="foo"><li class="foo"><p class="foo">This is a long test wh...</p></li></ul></div> <p class='test' id='foo'>This is a long test wh...</p> <a name='link'><p>This </a>is a long test wh...</p> <p>This </a>is a long test wh...</p> <p>This...</p>
{{ "This is a long test which will be cutted after some words."|truncatewords_html:25|safe }} {{ "<div class=\"foo\"><ul class=\"foo\"><li class=\"foo\"><p class=\"foo\">This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars.</p></li></ul></div>"|truncatewords_html:5 }} {{ "<p>This. is. a. long test. Test test, test.</p>"|truncatewords_html:8 }} {{ "<a name='link' href=\"https://....\"><p class=\"foo\">This </a>is a long test, which will be cutted after some words.</p>"|truncatewords_html:5 }} {{ "<p>This </a>is a long test, which will be cutted after some words.</p>"|truncatewords_html:5 }} {{ "<p>This is a long test which will be cutted after some words.</p>"|truncatewords_html:2 }} {{ "<p>This is a long test which will be cutted after some words.</p>"|truncatewords_html:0 }} # 显示结果 This is a long test which will be cutted after some words. <div class="foo"><ul class="foo"><li class="foo"><p class="foo">This is a long test ...</p></li></ul></div> <p>This. is. a. long test. Test test, test....</p> <a name='link' href="https://...."><p class="foo">This </a>is a long test,...</p> <p>This </a>is a long test,...</p> <p>This is ...</p>