How to link arrays into strings according to specified splicing characters in Anqi CMS template?
The filter can assemble the values of the array into a new string according to the specified splice link. If the original object is a string, a splicing character will be added directly to the characters and characters.
How to use
How to use filters:
{{ obj|join:"Split Character" }}
For example, it is necessary to["splits", "the", "string", "安企CMS"]
If you splice it into a string, you can write it like this:
{% set values = "splits the string Anqi CMS"|fields %} {{ values|join:", " }} # Show results splits, the, string, Anqi CMS
Sample Demo
{{ values|join:", " }} # Show results splits, the, string, Anqi CMS
{{ "An Enterprise Content Management System"|join:", " }} # Display results An Enterprise, content, management, management, system,