Description: Used to obtain a single page list
How to use:{% pageList 变量名称 %}
If you define a variable as pages{% pageList pages %}...{% endpageList %}
Parameters supported by pageList
- Site ID
Generally, there is no need to fill in it. If you use the background multi-site management to create multiple sites and want to call data from other sites, you can specify itsiteId
To implement the data calling the specified site.
pageList This tag will get all pages. If you need to exclude certain pages, you can remove unwanted pages in the subsequent for loop.
pages is an array object, so it needs to be usedfor
Loop to output
item is a variable in the for loop body. The available fields are:
- Single page ID
- Single page title
- Single page link
- Single page description
- Single page content
- Single page thumbnail image
- Single page thumbnail
Code Example
<ul> {% pageList pages %} {% for item in pages %} <li>
{# 如需判断当前是否是循环中的第一条,可以这么写: #} {% if forloop.Counter == 1 %}这是第一条{% endif %} {# 比如需要给第一条添加额外class="active",可以这么写: #} <a class="{% if forloop.Counter == 1 %}active{% endif %}" href="{{item.Link}}">{{item.Title}}</a>
<a href="{{ item.Link }}">{{item.Title}}</a> <a href="{{ item.Link }}"> <span>当前第{{ forloop.Counter }}篇,剩余{{ forloop.Revcounter}}篇</span> <span>单页ID:{{item.Id}}</span> <span>单页名称:{{item.Title}}</span> <span>单页链接:{{item.Link}}</span> <span>单页描述:{{item.Description}}</span> <span>单页内容:{{item.Content|safe}}</span> </a> <div>缩略图大图:<img src="{{item.Logo}}" alt="{{item.Title}}" /></div> <div>缩略图:<img src="{{item.Thumb}}" alt="{{item.Title}}" /></div> </li> {% endfor %} {% endpageList %} </ul> {# 排除id为1的页面 #} {% pageList pages %} {% for item in pages %} {% if item.Id != 1 %} <li> <a href="{{ item.Link }}">{{item.Title}}</a> <a href="{{ item.Link }}"> <span>单页ID:{{item.Id}}</span> <span>单页名称:{{item.Title}}</span> <span>单页链接:{{item.Link}}</span> <span>单页描述:{{item.Description}}</span> <span>单页内容:{{item.Content|safe}}</span> </a> <div>缩略图大图:<img src="{{item.Logo}}" alt="{{item.Title}}" /></div> <div>缩略图:<img src="{{item.Thumb}}" alt="{{item.Title}}" /></div> </li> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </ul> {% endpageList %}