How to convert letters of mobile phone number keyboard to numbers in Anqi CMS template?
Filters can convert phone number keyboard letters into numbers.
The conversion relationship is:
"a": "2", "b": "2", "c": "2", "d": "3", "e": "3", "f": "3", "g": "4", "h": "4", "i": "4", "j": "5", "k": "5",
"l": "5", "m": "6", "n": "6", "o": "6", "p": "7", "q": "7", "r": "7", "s": "7", "t": "8", "u": "8", "v": "8",
"w": "9", "x": "9", "y": "9", "z": "9"
How to use
How to use filters:
{{ obj|phone2numeric }}
For example, it is necessary to999-PONGO2
Convert to numbers, you can write this:
{{ "999-PONGO2"|phone2numeric }} # Display result 999-766462
Sample Demo
{{ "999-PONGO2"|phone2numeric }} # Display result 999-766462