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Anqi CMS template label manual
Determine whether text and array contain specified keywords
Delete all leading and trailing spaces, specific characters in a string
Calculate the number of times a keyword appears in a line of strings and in an array
Filter: Split a line of text into an array by space
Get the location where a keyword appears in a line string or array
Define an array in a template
Replace a specific keyword in a string to another keyword
Specify repeated multiple output strings
Add up of numbers or strings
Add a backslash before predefined characters
Convert English string letters to uppercase or lowercase
Center the string, left, and right in the specified length format
Removes specified characters from any position in the string
Display time values in the specified format
Default value settings for numbers or strings and objects
Determine whether a number can be used as a divisor
Escape special characters in strings and js code
Split a line of text into an array by space
The first or last value of a string or array
Floating point numbers retain the specified decimal point
Get the number at the specified position in the number
Convert a numeric string to a floating point number or an integer
Link the array into strings according to the specified splice characters
Get the length of string, array, key-value pairs
Convert multiple lines of text to html tags by newline characters
Convert phone number keyboard letters to numbers
Plural form of words
Return a random character and value in a string, array
Remove html tags from html code
Parses HTML code and outputs without escape
Intercept elements in strings, arrays at specified positions
Strings are cut into arrays according to the specified delimiter
Format any value into string output
Intercept the string or html code and add...
Url parameter escape
Find and parse the url string in the text into a clickable A tag
Calculate the number of words in a string
Automatic text wrapping
Or with non-three states
dump filter: print the structure type and value of the variable
Statistical Code Tags
360/Toutiao and other JS automatic submission of JS code call tags:
{{- pluginJsCode|safe }}