Classification page tags
Classification list tags
Description: Used to obtain articles and product classification lists: {% categoryList variable name with type="1|2" parentId="0" %} If you define a variable as categories {% categoryList categories with type="1" parentId="0" %}. -
Category Details Tags
Description: Used to obtain article classification and product classification details usage method: {% categoryDetail variable name with name="field name" id="1" %} The variable name is not necessary. After setting the variable name, you can call it through the variable name in the future, without setting the variable name, and the result will be output directly. The supported parameters of categoryDetail are: id, id is not -
Single page list tag
Description: Used to get a single page list: {% pageList variable name %} If you define a variable as pages {% pageList pages %}...{% endpageList %} pageList does not support parameters, so this tag will get all pages. If you need to exclude certain pages, you can eliminate unwanted pages in the subsequent for loop -
Single page details tag
Description: Used to obtain single-page detailed data usage method: {% pageDetail variable name with name="field name" id="1" %} Variable name is not necessary. After setting the variable name, you can call it through the variable name in the future. Without setting the variable name, the result will be output directly. The supported parameters of pageDetail are: id. id is not required. The current order will be obtained by default