When outputting variables, filters are also supported to perform primary filtering of data. The format is:
For example, when a variable has a value, it outputs the current value, and when there is no value, it outputs the default value:
Set the default value:
{{ userName|default:"大侠匿名"}}
As long as it is empty, it will be considered as none. We can also usedefault_if_none
To handle it
{{ userName|default_if_none:"大侠匿名"}}
{{ ""|default_if_none:"n/a" }}
{{ nil|default_if_none:"n/a" }}
You can get the numbers in the variable. If you specify the value of get_digit, you can get the last number. like:
{{ 1234567890|get_digit:0 }}
{{ 1234567890|get_digit }}
{{ 1234567890|get_digit:2 }}
{{ 1234567890|get_digit:"4" }}
{{ 1234567890|get_digit:10 }}
{{ 1234567890|get_digit:15 }}
Output length:
{{ value|length }}
If the value is ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], then the output is 4.
It can be judged whether a variable can be divisible, such as:
{{ 21|divisibleby:3 }}
{{ 21|divisibleby:"3" }}
{{ 21|float|divisibleby:"3" }}
{{ 22|divisibleby:"3" }}
{{ 85|divisibleby:simple.number }}
{{ 84|divisibleby:simple.number }}
Time can be formatted:
{{ value|date:``"2006-01-02 15:04"}}
Note that this value must be of time.Time type, not a timestamp. If it is a timestamp, it will report an error. The timestamp either converts it to the time.Time type in the controller, or uses our custom template function:
{{stampToDate(nowStamp, "2006-01-02 15:04")}}
If there are more string characters and words than specified characters, they will be truncated. The truncated string will end with a translateable sequence of ellipses ("..."):
{{ value|truncatechars:9}}
{{ value|truncatewords:9}}
Truncate except string truncationtruncatechars
, also supports word truncationtruncatewords
Similar functionstruncatechars
. But these two tags are used to intercept strings in html, and it will not destroy the html structure. One is to cut by characters, and the other is to cut by words. The truncated string will end with a translateable sequence of ellipses ("..."):
{{ "This is a long test which will be cutted after some chars."|truncatechars_html:25 }}
{{ "This is a long test which will be cutted after some words."|truncatewords_html:5|safe }}
Single characters can be converted into case:
{{ value|upper}}
{{ value|lower}}
It can realize the capitalization effect of the first letter of a sentence, such as:
{{ "hello there!"|capfirst }}
It can implement the removal of specific characters in variables. like:
{{ 15|cut:"5" }}
{{ "Hello world"|cut: " " }}
You can add the content to be output. It's equivalent to the golang+
, the numbers will be added and the output result will be output, and the strings will be spliced together. like:
{{ 5|add:6 }}
{{ 5|add:nothing }}
{{ 5|add:"test" }}
{{ "hello "|add:"john doe" }}
A backslash will be added before the specified predefined characters. These characters are single quotes ('), double quotes ("), backslash (\) and NUL (NULL characters). For example:
{{ "plain' text"|addslashes }}
{{ "plain' text"|addslashes|safe }}
Labels can enable the first letter of each word in a sentence to be uppercase and the rest to be lowercase, which is used to format the output of the title. like:
{{ "hello there!"|title }}
{{ "HELLO THERE!"|title }}
{{ "HELLO tHERE!"|title }}
yesno is used to verify whether a variable is valid. It can define three results, and the three results are respectively used in English commas.,
Separate, valid value, invalid value, and unknown type. If not defined, you can also leave it blank. like:
{{ archive.Status|yesno}}
{{ archive.Status|yesno:"validated,not validated,unknown validation status"}}
striptags Similar to PHP’s strip_tags function, it can strip HTML, XML and PHP tags from strings. This tag always strips HTML comments. like:
{{"<title>Hello World</title>"|striptags}}
{{"<title>Hello World</title>"|striptags|safe}}
Tags can delete the specified html tag. like:
{{ "<strong><i>Hello!</i></strong>"|removetags:"i"|safe }}
Tags can determine whether a variable is a plural. like:
customer{{ 0|pluralize }}
customer{{ 1|pluralize }}
customer{{ 2|pluralize }}
cherr{{ 0|pluralize:"y,ies" }}
cherr{{ 1|pluralize:"y,ies" }}
cherr{{ 2|pluralize:"y,ies" }}
walrus{{ 0|pluralize:"es" }}
walrus{{ 1|pluralize:"es" }}
walrus{{ simple.number|pluralize:"es" }}
A value in the set can be output randomly. like:
<p>{{ intList|random }}</p>
Can be used to output the first character and the last character in the output variable. like:
{{ "Test"|first }}
{{ "Test"|last }}
The urlencode tag can encode the variable url percentile number. like:
{{ "/?category_id=1"|urlencode }}
Both labels can turn newlines in variable values into<br/>
, equivalent to PHPnl2br
function. like:
{{ archive.Description|linebreaksbr }}
{{ archive.Description|linebreaks }}
{{ archive.Description|linebreaksbr|safe }}
{{ archive.Description|linebreaks|safe }}
length_is can determine the length of the value of the variable. You can only judge strings, numbers are not possible. like:
{{ "hello"|length_is:5 }}
Labels can convert the value of a variable into integers and floating-point numbers. like:
{{ "foobar"|integer }}
{{ "5.4"|float|integer }}
{{ "foobar"|float }}
{{ "5.5"|float }}
{{ "5.6"|integer|float }}
The tag can keep the value of a variable in the floating point format, and only retain the decimal point by default. If the last bit is 0, the decimal point will not be retained. If the number of digits after the decimal point is specified, it is displayed as the number of digits. like:
{{ 34.23234|floatformat }}
{{ 34.00000|floatformat }}
{{ 34.23234|floatformat:3 }}
{{ 34.00000|floatformat:3 }}
{{ "34.23234"|floatformat }}
{{ "34.00000"|floatformat }}
{{ "34.23234"|floatformat:3 }}
{{ "34.00000"|floatformat:3 }}
An array can be matched by a given separation and become a string. like:
{{intList|join:", "}}
Just in time andjoin
Instead, it can convert a string into an array by the given separator. like:
{{ "Hello, 99, 3.140000, good"|split:", "|join:", " }}
You can format numbers and strings into specified formats to output. Equivalent tofmt.Sprintf()
. like:
{{ 0.55555|stringformat:"%.2f" }}
{{ 888|stringformat:"Test: %d" }}
{{ "你好"|stringformat:"Chinese: %s" }}
You can split a string into an array by character, which is equivalent to[]rune("你好啊")
. like:
{{ "你好啊"|make_list|join:", " }}
{% for char in "你好啊"|make_list %}{{ char }},{% endfor %}
This tag is more interesting. You can format the string to a specified length and place the string in the middle and fill it with spaces next to it. If the given length is less than the string length, no changes are made. like:
'{{ "test"|center:3 }}'
'{{ "test"|center:20 }}'
{{ "test"|center:20|length }}
These two tags andcenter
Almost all, the string is filled to the specified length, but the filling direction is different.ljust
The space will be filled on the right, that is, the string will be left.rjust
The space will be filled on the left, which means that the string will be right. like:
'{{ "test"|ljust:"20" }}'
{{ "test"|ljust:"20"|length }}
'{{ "test"|rjust:"20" }}'
{{ "test"|rjust:"20"|length }}
Used to count the length of the string. It has two ways to use it, one is after the string, and the other is to use the filter tag. like:
{{ ""|wordcount }}
{% filter wordcount %}{% lorem 25 w %}{% endfilter %}
A string can be wrapped by a given length. like:
{{ "hello world"|wordwrap:2 }}
<pre>{% filter wordwrap:5 %}{% lorem 26 w %}{% endfilter %}</pre>
{{ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit."|wordwrap:2|linebreaksbr|safe }}
The a tag will be automatically added to the url and mailbox, and the nofollow rel will be automatically added. This is more appropriate to deal with the main text of the article. urlize also supports setting true and false to indicate whether the displayed connection content is escaped. like:
<p>{{ ""|urlize|safe }}</p>
<p>{{ "www.kandaoni.com"|urlize|safe }}</p>
<p>{{ "kandaoni.com"|urlize|safe }}</p>
<p>{% filter urlize:true|safe %}</p>
<p>Please mail me at [email protected] or visit mit on:</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum http://www.kandaoni.com lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com/test="test" lorem ipsum</p>
<p>{% endfilter %}</p>
<p>{% filter urlize:false|safe %}</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com/test="test" lorem ipsum</p>
<p>{% endfilter %}</p>
The role ofurlize
Almost all, they automatically add a tag to the url and mailbox, but they can set the url content to display the part of the url content, and use it after the specified length....
replace. like:
<p>{% filter urlizetrunc:15|safe %}</p>
<p>Please mail me at [email protected] or visit mit on:</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum http://www.kandaoni.com lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com lorem ipsum</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com/test="test" lorem ipsum</p>
<p>{% endfilter %}</p>
The string will be pressed\uxxxx
Encode preset characters. like:
{{ "<p>aaa</p><script>alert('xss');</script><p>bbbb</p>"|escapejs|safe }}
You can intercept data of a specified length to strings and arrays. like:
{{ "Test"|slice:"1:" }}
{{ "Test"|slice:":3" }}
{{ "Test"|slice:"1:3"|join:"," }}
{{ intList|slice:"1:5"|join:"," }}
Django's templates will automatically escape syntax tags such as HTML tags and JS, which is for security and prevent xss attacks.
If you don't want to use escape, usesafe
To declare that the content to be output is safe, it will not be automatically escaped, and it can also be usedautoescape
Tags to control turning on and off automatic escape:
{{ "<script>alert('xss');</script>"|safe}}
{% autoescape on %}
{{ "<script>alert('xss');</script>" }}
{% endautoescape %}
{% autoescape off %}
{{ "<script>alert('xss');</script>" }}
{% endautoescape %}
escape can also perform declaration escape. Since it will be automatically escaped by default, if you use escape here, it will be escaped twice. Therefore useautoescape off
After closing escape, using escape is equivalent to direct output. like:
{{ "<script>alert('xss');</script>" }}
{% autoescape off %}
{{ "<script>alert('xss');</script>"|escape }}
{% endautoescape %}
All filter tags above can be used{% filter 标签名 %}内容{% endfilter %}
{% filter lower %}This is a nice test; let's see whether it works. Foobar. {{ simple.xss }}{% endfilter %}
{% filter truncatechars:10|lower|length %}This is a nice test; let's see whether it works. Foobar. {{ simple.number }}{% endfilter %}
<p>{% filter urlize:false|safe %}</p>
<p>- lorem ipsum www.kandaoni.com/test="test" lorem ipsum</p>
<p>{% endfilter %}</p>