Determine whether text and array contain specified keywords

How to determine whether a line of text string contains a certain keyword in Anqi CMS template?

containThe filter can determine whether a keyword is contained in a line of strings, slices, key-value pairs, and structures. The result will return a boolean value.

How to use

containHow to use filters:


For example, judgment欢迎使用安企CMS(AnQiCMS)Is it included?CMS, you can write it like this:

{{"Welcome to use AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS)"|contain:"CMS"}}
# Display results

containFilters also support use in assignment labels (sets), storing the judgment results into a variable, such as:

{% set source = "Welcome to AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS)" %}
{% set isContain = source|contain:"CMS" %}
{% if isContain %}
{{source}} contains "CMS"
{% endif %}
# Show results
Welcome to AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS) contains "CMS"

Sample Demo

Determine whether a line of text contains a certain keyword

Direct output result:

{{"Welcome to use AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS)"|contain:"CMS"}}
# Display results

Assign the result to a variable for other conditions to judge:

{% set source = "Welcome to AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS)" %}
{% set isContain = source|contain:"CMS" %}
{% if isContain %}
{{source}} contains "CMS"
{% endif %}
# Show results
Welcome to AnQiCMS (AnQiCMS) contains "CMS".

Determine whether there is a value of a keyword in an array

Suppose an array is:values = ["安企CMS","AnQiCMS","内容管理系统","免费建站系统","免费模板"].

Direct output result:

{{values|contain:"Anqi CMS"}}
# Show results

Assign the result to a variable for other conditions to judge:

{% set isContain = values|contain:"Anqi CMS" %}
{% if isContain %}
{{values|join:","}} contains "Anqi CMS"
{% endif %}
# Display results
Anqi CMS, AnQiCMS, content management system, free website building system, free template contains the value of "Anqi CMS".

Determine whether there is a key name for a keyword in a key-value pair (map) or struct (struct)

Assume a key-value pair is:webInfo = {Title:"安企CMS",Keyword:"AnQiCMS",Description:"免费建站系统"}.

Direct output result:

# Show result

Assign the result to a variable for other conditions to judge:

{% set isContain = values|contain:"Title" %}
{% if isContain %}
{{values|stringformat:"%#v"}} contains a key name called "Title"
{% endif %}
# Display result
 {Title:"AnQiCMS",Keyword:"AnQiCMS",Description:"Free website building system"} contains a key name called "Title".