Order creation payment interface

API call address


illustrate:{域名地址}You need to replace it with your domain address, such as/api/order/payment

Calling methods


Request parameters

Field name type Required illustrate
order_id string yes Order ID
pay_way string yes Payment method: optional values ​​are: wechat, weapp, alipay

Return parameters

Field name type illustrate
code int Error code
msg string Error Cause Description
data object Results content

object result content

Field name type illustrate
pay_way string Payment method
code_url string QR code picture link (WeChat payment)
jump_url string Jump link (Alipay payment)
paySign string Signature (WeChat mini program payment)
timeStamp int Timestamp (WeChat mini program payment)
package string package (WeChat mini program payment)
nonceStr string nonceStr (WeChat mini program payment)
signType string Signature method (WeChat mini program payment)

Request data example

parameter value
order_id 202211232209080046
pay_way alipay

Return to the data example

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "",
    "data": {
        "pay_way": "alipay",
        "jump_url": "https://..."

Error code

Error code illustrate
0 OK
-1 Error, the cause of the error is pointed out in msg
1001 Not logged in
1002 Unauthorized
200 API request OK