Classification page interface
The AnqiCMS classification page API interface supports calls: obtaining document classification interface, obtaining classification list interface, obtaining classification details interface, obtaining single page details interface, obtaining single page list interface
Get the document classification interface
API call address {domain address}/api/import/categories?token={token} Description: {domain address} needs to be replaced with your domain address, {token} needs to be replaced with the token in the background content import interface function, such as /api/import/categories?token=xxx Call method GET request parameter -
Get the classification list interface
API call address {domain address}/api/category/list Description: {domain address} It needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as /api/category/list Call method GET request parameter Field name Type Required Description moduleId int No Model ID, you can get the classification list of the specified document model, such as moduleId="1 -
Get the classification details interface
API call address {domain address}/api/category/detail Description: {domain address} It needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as /api/category/detail Call method GET request parameters Field name Type Required Description id int Yes Classification ID. If filename is passed, you do not need to pass the ID filename -
Get the single page details interface
API call address {domain address}/api/page/detail description: {domain address} It needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as /api/page/detail call method GET request parameters Field name Type Required Description id int Yes Single page ID, if filename is passed, you do not need to pass ID filename string No -
Get the single page list interface
API call address {domain address}/api/page/list description: {domain address} needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as /api/page/list call method GET request parameter None Return parameter Field name Type Description code int Error code msg string Error cause description data object[] Result content da -
Get the model list interface
API call address { Domain address} /api/module/list Description: { Domain address} It needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as Call method GET Request parameter None Return parameter Field name Type Description code int Error code msg string Error cause description data object[] Result content data result item parameter -
Get the model details interface
API call address { Domain address} /api/module/detail Description: { Domain address} It needs to be replaced with your domain address, such as Call method GET Request parameters Field name Type Required Description id int Yes Model ID, if filename is passed, you do not need to pass ID filename string No Model URL alias, model ID