API call address
You need to replace it with your domain address, such as/api/setting/system
Calling methods
Request parameters
Return parameters
Field name | type | illustrate |
code | int | Error code |
msg | string | Error Cause Description |
data | object | Results content |
data result parameters
Field name | type | illustrate |
SiteName | string | Website name |
SiteLogo | string | Website Logo |
SiteIcp | string | Website registration number |
SiteCopyright | string | Copyright content |
BaseUrl | string | Home page address |
MobileUrl | string | Website mobile address |
TemplateUrl | string | Template static file address |
Custom parameters | string | Customized parameters in background system settings |
Request data example
Return to the data example
HelpUrl is to specify the parameters to be used. If there are more custom parameters, it will also be displayed here.
"code": 0,
"data": {
"AdminUrl": "",
"BaseUrl": "http://www.anqicms.com",
"HelpUrl": "/help",
"Language": "zh",
"MobileUrl": "https://m.anqicms.com/",
"SiteClose": 0,
"SiteCloseTips": "",
"SiteCopyright": "<p>版权所有,仿冒必究</p>",
"SiteIcp": "粤ICP备12345678号",
"SiteLogo": "http://www.anqicms.com/uploads/20225/22/555288fdec958ee7.webp",
"SiteName": "这是网站标题2",
"TemplateName": "default",
"TemplateType": 0,
"TemplateUrl": ""
"msg": ""
Error code
Error code | illustrate |
0 | OK |
-1 | Error, the cause of the error is pointed out in msg |
1001 | Not logged in |
1002 | Unauthorized |
200 | API request OK |