API call address
You need to replace it with your domain address, such as/api/page/list
Calling methods
Request parameters
Return parameters
Field name | type | illustrate |
code | int | Error code |
msg | string | Error Cause Description |
data | object[] | Results content |
data result item parameter
Field name | type | illustrate |
id | int | Single page ID |
title | string | Single page name |
seo_title | string | Single page SEO title |
url_token | string | Single page URL alias |
keywords | string | Single page keywords |
Description | string | Single page introduction |
content | string | Single page content details |
type | int | Single page attribute value, 1 single page, 3 single pages |
sort | int | Single page sort value |
images | string[] | Single page Banner picture |
logo | string | Single page thumbnail |
thumb | string | Single page thumbnail |
created_time | int | Single page publish time stamp |
updated_time | int | Single page update time stamp |
status | int | Single page display status |
Request data example
Return to the data example
"code": 0,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"created_time": 1607308159,
"updated_time": 1657761249,
"title": "关于AnqiCMS",
"seo_title": "",
"keywords": "",
"url_token": "help",
"description": "",
"content": "<p><br/></p>",
"type": 3,
"sort": 1,
"images": [],
"logo": "",
"status": 1,
"thumb": "/uploads/202012/7/bd36c37ef742c7be.webp",
"id": 2,
"created_time": 1607308159,
"updated_time": 1657761249,
"title": "联系AnqiCMS",
"seo_title": "",
"keywords": "",
"url_token": "help",
"description": "",
"content": "<p><br/></p>",
"type": 3,
"sort": 1,
"images": [],
"logo": "",
"status": 1,
"thumb": "/uploads/202012/7/bd36c37ef742c7be.webp",
"msg": ""
Error code
Error code | illustrate |
0 | OK |
-1 | Error, the cause of the error is pointed out in msg |
1001 | Not logged in |
1002 | Unauthorized |
200 | API request OK |