Get Order Details Interface

API call address


illustrate:{域名地址}You need to replace it with your domain address, such as/api/order/detail

Calling methods


Request parameters

Field name type Required illustrate
order_id string yes Order ID

Return parameters

Field name type illustrate
code int Error code
msg string Error Cause Description
data object Results content

data results

Field name type illustrate
id int ID
order_id string Order number
payment_id string Payment ID
user_id int User ID
Remark string Order Notes
type string Order Type
origin_amount int Original total price of order
amount int Actual total price of order
paid_time int Payment time
end_time int The order is expected to be completed automatically
deliver_time int Shipping time
finished_time int Order completion time
discount_amount int Discount amount
seller_id int Seller ID
seller_amount int Seller's profits
share_user_id int Promoter ID
share_parent_user_id int Promoter's superior ID
share_amount int Promoters can get benefits
share_parent_amount share_parent_amount int Promoters can get benefits
express_company string Express delivery company
tracking_number string Express waybill number
details object[] Order details
created_time int Order time stamp
status int Order status: -1 Cancel, 0 To be paid, 1 Payed, 2 Shipped, 3 Completed, 8 Refunds, 9 Refunded
refund_status int Refund status: -1 Refund failed, 0 None or refund is in progress, 1 Refunded
order_address object Order delivery address

Order delivery address

Field name type illustrate
id int Address ID
name string recipient
Phone string Contact number
province string province
city string City
country string District and County
address_info string Detailed address
postcode string post code

Order details item

Field name type illustrate
id int ID
order_id string Order number
user_id int User ID
goods_id int Product ID
goods_item_id int Product SKU ID
price int Product price
origin_price int Original price of the product
amount int Actual total price of the product
origin_amount int Original total price of the product
quantity int Quantity of products
status int state
Goods object Product Information

Product Information

Field name type illustrate
id int Document ID
title string Document title
seo_title string Document SEO title
url_token string Document URL alias
keywords string Document keywords
Description string Document Introduction
module_id int Document model ID
category_id int Document Classification ID
views int Document view count
comment_count int Document comments
images string[] Document group photo
logo string Document Logo
thumb string Document thumbnails
canonical_url string canonical url
fixed_link string Document Permalink
created_time int Document release timestamp
updated_time int Document update timestamp
status int Document display status
user_id int User ID
price int Price, unit points
stock int Inventory quantity
user_id int User ID

Request data example

parameter value
order_id 202211232209080046

Return to the data example

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
            "id": 46,
            "created_time": 1669212548,
            "updated_time": 1669212548,
            "order_id": "202211232209080046",
            "payment_id": "202211232209080016",
            "user_id": 1000,
            "address_id": 0,
            "remark": "英文外贸响应式通用主题wzl-008等",
            "type": "goods",
            "status": 0,
            "refund_status": 0,
            "origin_amount": 9900,
            "amount": 9900,
            "paid_time": 0,
            "end_time": 0,
            "deliver_time": 0,
            "finished_time": 0,
            "discount_amount": 0,
            "seller_id": 15,
            "seller_amount": 7920,
            "share_user_id": 0,
            "share_parent_user_id": 0,
            "share_amount": 0,
            "share_parent_amount": 0,
            "express_company": "",
            "tracking_number": "",
            "order_address": {
                "id": 1,
                "created_time": 1669212548,
                "updated_time": 1669212548,
                "user_id": 1000,
                "name": "王先生",
                "phone": "13888888888",
                "province": "河南省",
                "city": "郑州市",
                "country": "中原区",
                "address_info": "中原西路233号",
                "postcode": "450000",
                "status": 1
            "is_updated": 0,
            "details": [
                    "id": 16,
                    "created_time": 1669212548,
                    "updated_time": 1669212548,
                    "order_id": "202211232209080046",
                    "user_id": 1000,
                    "goods_id": 188,
                    "goods_item_id": 0,
                    "price": 9900,
                    "origin_price": 9900,
                    "amount": 9900,
                    "origin_amount": 9900,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "status": 1,
                    "goods": {
                        "id": 188,
                        "created_time": 1669122751,
                        "updated_time": 1669122751,
                        "title": "英文外贸响应式通用主题wzl-008",
                        "seo_title": "",
                        "url_token": "ywwmxystyztw0-7",
                        "keywords": "英文外贸响应式通用主题wzl-008",
                        "description": "英文主题,外贸主题,响应式主题,通用英文企业站主题",
                        "module_id": 3,
                        "category_id": 36,
                        "views": 158,
                        "comment_count": 0,
                        "images": [
                        "template": "",
                        "status": 1,
                        "canonical_url": "",
                        "fixed_link": "",
                        "flag": "",
                        "user_id": 15,
                        "price": 9900,
                        "stock": 9999999,
                        "read_level": 0,
                        "password": "",
                        "sort": 0,
                        "has_pseudo": 0,
                        "keyword_id": 0,
                        "origin_url": "",
                        "origin_title": "",
                        "origin_id": 0,
                        "category": null,
                        "module_name": "",
                        "data": null,
                        "logo": "",
                        "thumb": "",
                        "extra": null,
                        "link": "/endesign/188.html",
                        "has_ordered": false,
                        "favorable_price": 0,
                        "has_password": false,
                        "category_titles": null,
                        "category_ids": null
                    "group": null,
    "msg": ""

Error code

Error code illustrate
0 OK
-1 Error, the cause of the error is pointed out in msg
1001 Not logged in
1002 Unauthorized
200 API request OK