The Windows version of Anqi CMS is generally only suitable for testing purposes. It is recommended to use the Linux version in the formal environment.

Install the web running environment

The running environment includes: MySQL, Nginx. By default, only MySQL is required to be installed to use. If already installed, you can skip this step.

If you are not downloaded, you can use PHPStudy (PHPStudy) After downloading Xiaopi, install it and install MySQL and Nginx.

Download Windows version of Anqi CMS

Download address:/download. After downloading, unzip it to any directory. It is generally recommended that the directory name be related to the domain name for easy search. For example, decompress toD:\wwwroot\

Run the CMS of the enterprise

Enter the decompression directory, as aboveD:\wwwroot\ Double-click to run the root directoryanqicms.exeIf everything is normal, the browser will be automatically opened and the installation page will be launched. If the browser does not automatically open in the second step, you need to manually open the browser and enter it in the browser address barhttp:// visit. In the installation page, fill in data information, administrator account password, etc., and the database name is also distinguished by domain name, for example:dev.anqi.comThe database name isdev_anqi_com. Domain names do not need to be filled in, because they are used for local testing, so you can keep the default. Finally, click the installation button to complete the installation. By default, it will install demo data. If you are using it formally or do not need demo data, just uncheck install demo data.

After the installation is complete, you can access the backend and website frontend. The default background address is:, the default front desk address is:

How to install multiple security CMS in Windows

The Windows version is designed to support running one CMS at the same time. If multiple CMSs are installed under Windows, it can still only run one of them at the same time.

You need to install multiple CMSs in Windows. The method is very simple. You just need to decompress the installer and copy multiple copies. If you are copying from an installed website, you need to delete the config.json in the root directory in the new directory.

Since Windows version restricts only one CMS to run at the same time, the old site needs to be exited before running a new site. The way to exit is very simple. Find the icon of Anqi CMS in the status bar of Windows, click it, and select Exit. After exiting the old site, come to the new directory. Double-click in the new directoryanqicms.exe. At this time, an installation interface will pop up like when installing the first site and fill in the installation information. Remember, the database name here cannot be the same as the previous site, otherwise it will cause data errors.

According to this method, you can install multiple CMS sites under the Windows server, but you can only run one of them at a time. Before running the new CMS site, you must first exit the old CMS site, otherwise it will not be able to run the new site and it will always be the old site. Since there is only one CMS site in the enterprise running at a time, the domain name after each site is running ishttp://