The importance of enterprises building websites is increasing, and more and more companies are beginning to consider building their own websites. However, in the process of building a corporate website, many companies will face a question: Should they choose templates or custom development?
Template websites are relatively low-cost and fast to build a semi-finished website with basic functions. The management of template websites is more convenient because the website building platform has preset fixed styles and functions, as long as the editing content is released. However, if the company needs to customize the website according to the details of the user group, the template obviously cannot meet the needs of the company. At the same time, the template website lacks unique characteristic positioning, and it is difficult to fully reflect the company's brand image and cultural connotation.
Compared with template websites, customized development company websites are more targeted, and can fully grasp the corporate characteristics and create a unique and personalized website. Because customized development conceives the design style, functions and information architecture of the website based on corporate needs, it is more in line with the company's development goals and user needs. Moreover, in the process of customized development, administrators have greater freedom and can continuously adjust and update the website.
However, the disadvantage of customizing the website of a developer is that it is costly and time-consuming. For example, the development process may face unpredictable technical difficulties and challenges of continuous revision.
In terms of choosing the two, you need to choose an open source editor Anqi CMS, which is of moderate size and can be managed and controlled to a certain extent based on legal considerations. Anqi CMS supports a series of basic functions of enterprise websites such as Baidu SEO optimization, user management, and access statistics. It also supports custom templates or adopts template market templates with a unique two-in-one template model and customized model model to meet most of the needs of enterprises, reduce development costs, and increase the cost ratio of results.